For as long as I remember I have absolutely loved music. It is my happy place, where I like to lose myself when I am feeling anxious. My family tell me that by the time I was just two I could sing over 50 songs.
I started stage school when I was four and really enjoyed it. I found however by the time I was 8 years old that I struggled to keep up with the dance side and this started to take the joy out of stage school for me. This age was a very difficult time for me I began to struggle so much socially, and I was eventually diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome a form of Autism.
At the same time I was diagnosed I began to have private singing lessons and then I found a real passion for singing. My teacher Marta was so wonderful, she supported me, made me feel like I could do what I thought impossible and she encouraged me to perform. I performed my first solo at 8 years old and have performed as a solo artist ever since.
I love all kinds of music the only type I don’t get is heavy metal. I love musicals and have been to see so many. I think probably my favourite type of music is country particularly Carrie underwood and it suits my deep voice. I love 80’s music if I am travelling in a car and start to get tired then I put on the 80’s its guaranteed to wake me up and get me moving.
I have a really fun singing teacher called Lu now and we really have a laugh together. She gets right into the song too dancing away. Even if I’m tired after a long day at school I end up having fun and being glad I made the effort to go.
I haven’t been to lessons for a little while as I had my GCSE mocks and now my exams are soon but I’m really hoping to get straight back in when my exams finish