I’ve been a bit quiet recently so thought I would catch up and let you know what I got up to last weekend. I had an absolute blast at The National Pet Show at the NEC in Birmingham. The event was huge I attended both days and still think I actually missed some things!
I got to see so many weird and wonderful creatures and learned so much. I have to say though my highlight of the whole weekend was getting to meet James Cowen and Bob from the book/ film a Street Cat named Bob. If you haven’t read the book or seen the film then it really is a must. I felt so honoured to meet Bob and James who has managed to turn his life around and give so much hope to others. He truly is an inspiration.

I also got to meet Noel Fitzpatrick the supervet which was pretty epic. He has given so many animals the chance of life when others would of called it a day. I met Michaela Strachan too but I think mum was more excited than me because although she was very nice I couldn’t remember her! Oops

So what animals did I see well let’s think there were cats, dogs, tortoises, fish, chinchillas, fancy rats, drugs, hedgehogs, alpacas, donkeys, miniature ponies, chickens, bunnies, guinea pigs, Gambian pouch rats, snakes, geckos, bearded dragons and more! There were so many different breeds of dogs and cats some I had never seen before. I even watched my first cat show although I found the judging quite harsh and I laughed because no way would you be able to handle my British Blue Storm like that she would take your arm off!

My favourite animal was without a doubt the Gambian Pouch Rat I definitely have one of these on my list! I’ve wanted one for a while but need to take time to research and the people at the UK Pouchies stall gave me great advice and I will keep in touch.

I bumped into a couple of photographer friends Gary and Stacey who definitely had a different type of client that weekend they took an epic photo of four alpacas it’s like the bohemian rhapsody cover with alpacas instead of the band. I also got to see Tracey with her Inuits and wolfalikes and had a cheeky cuddle with baby Demi.

So a tiring but really nice weekend so this weekend I’m taking it easy getting ready to start an exciting work placement tomorrow so stay tuned..........
